White Oak

whiteoakWhite Oak

White oak is used for furniture, railroad crossties, cooperage, mine timbers, flooring, pallets, railroad cars, millwork and many other products. An important use of white oak is for planking and bent parts of ships and boats, heartwood often being specified because of its decay resistance.

The heartwood is generally grayish-brown, and the sapwood, which is from 1 to 2 or more inches thick, is nearly white. The pores of the heartwood are usually plugged with tyloses. This tends to make the wood impenetrable by liquids. It is therefore suitable for tight cooperage.

White oak lumber comes chiefly from the South, South Atlantic, and central states, including the Southern Appalachian area. Principal species are: white oak, chestnut oak, post oak, overcup oak, swamp chestnut oak, bur oak, chinkapin oak, swamp white oak, and live oak.

Physical Properties:
The wood of the white oak is heavy (48lbs./cu.ft.), averaging somewhat higher in weight than that of red oak. The heartwood has moderately good decay resistance.